Monday, October 3, 2016

Weekly News Oct 3-7

This week will be a week of celebrating (and preparing to celebrate) our accomplishments as readers and writers.  We are getting to the end of both our first reading and writing unit and have learned SO much already in our short time together!!

Just to keep you in the loop, I will be out this week Wednesday-Friday.  Mrs. Flanagan will be here as a guest teacher with the boys and girls.  Many of them already know her from 4K; she is probably the most beloved substitute teacher there is!  She has already met with me to go over what the boys and girls will be working on this week so we will not miss a beat.  I can be reached by email while I am out, but please feel free to call the office if there were to be a change in pick up or drop off for your child to ensure it gets communicated to Mrs. Flanagan as soon as possible.

Upcoming Dates and Reminders:

October 18th:  Family Night (please respond on the link below

October 19th:  Field Trip (Please send permission slips and $6 fee to school by Oct 10
October 27-28: NO SCHOOL

Our October Homework Calendar will be coming home with your child on Monday.  Later this month/early November your child will also begin to bring an independent reading book home as well. My goal is for this homework to authentically reinforce math and literacy concepts at home while also being realistic and manageable for our young learners and their families.
Please let me know if you have questions!!

News from the PSC:

There are lots of ways to be involved at NDLC. Consider some of these options:

PSC meeting: Monday, October 3rd at 6pm in the school library. Your thoughts and opinions are so important to the success of NDLC, come join us!

Online shopping: Register with AmazonSmile ( and Amazon will donate .5% of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to NDLC. Go to and enter “New Directions Learning Community Inc” as your organization to support.

Box Tops: Collect Box Tops from participating merchandise and send them to school with your NDLC student(s) to help NDLC earn money. Past years proceeds have helped purchase playground equipment and specific teacher requested classroom supplies. Need an extra sheet to attach Box Tops to? Click on this link and look on right side of page (“Box Top 50 Form”):

Any questions or suggestions? Don’t hesitate to send an email to:

Here's a peek at our week:

Reading:  Today we celebrated all we have learned about reading so far with a parade!!  Check it out!

 We will now launch into a new unit that will continue to focus on reading emergent story books but will delve deeper into focusing on character feelings and actions.  Students will also start to build comfort with conventionally reading familiar texts that they know well--like their Star Name books, songs, and rhymes we been reading regularly in class together.

Writing: This week will be our last week of writing true stories.  We will work hard this week to add more details to our pictures and to also add more sounds and words to our writing.  We will get ready to celebrate by picking our favorite story to revise AND edit!  We will use a checklist to make sure our story shows something that happened, who was there and how they felt.

Math: We will focus our work this week on ordering numbers 1-10 and also showing number quantity up to 10.  We will pay special attention to seeing/creating a group of 5 when showing numbers 6-10 using math tools.  We will also be working with the concepts of addition and subtraction and will be introduced to how to solve addition and subtraction problems using our fingers.  Our math centers this week will be:  building and comparing numbers using unifix cubes, working to order number cards and finding the missing number in the sequence, using our own math drawings to add to Anno's Counting book (a book we have been reading frequently in math) and working with number formation on the iPads.

Social Studies:  Our school helper interviews are underway!  We will get to know more about our lunch workers this week.  To share what we have learned we will be creating a book about each helper as a class.  This week we will complete Mrs. Steif's book and the book about Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Johnson, our lunch helpers.

Word Work: We will begin learning some sight words this week.  We will focus on 5 new sight words every two weeks.  Our words for the next two weeks are: I, a, the, is, and
Keep an eye out for these words in books you read together at home!

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